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February 22, 2019

This book is my true story about dealing with many life-changing events at the same time. It is about feeling like you cannot catch a break no matter how hard you try. The book reflects the process of experiencing one thing after another and trying to just keep going and finding out that the Lord is catching it all for you. It is packed with much emotional and physical pain from experiencing grief and loss, a bad marriage, taking on new responsibilities, and illnesses. It shows the struggles of trying to find a way through it all, and how God showed Himself in so many remarkable and wonderful ways. God is so very real.

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Rose Marie Arthur grew up extremely fast, taking on huge responsibilities at a young age for most of her life. These responsibilities led her to working with people young and old and in-between with all sorts of disabilities. She served on the board for people with Developmental Disabilities for years. She is happily married and a mother of four adult children. For people who know her, Rose Marie Arthur is her pen name and it is very special to her. As a Christian all her life, she has experienced many God moments, and she shares them in her books, One Thing after Another and its sequel, One Thing after Another and Another. As an author, she hopes to help people through their darkest times and inspire people to follow Christ. She lives with her husband and family in the Chicagoland area.

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I feel honored to be a member of the Northern Kane County Chamber of Commerce. They are a remarkable group within our community.

I recently spoke at the local rotary where employees from the Fox Valley Library were present. After my speech, they purchased my book to be put into the library. 

The Village President of the community I live in asked me to be part of a video. My husband and I were filmed on one day while walking the bike path and then canoeing down the Fox River with a drone flying over us. Another day, I was interviewed and filmed at the library as a local author and resident to help promote the beautiful town I live in. This was such an honor and wonderful experience. 

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How My Books Came To Life

This is a lot to read but please, please, please take the time and read it all. It would mean the world to me if you do. The time is here. I am excited and nervous and feeling all kinds of emotions, even as I type this. Some of you may know, while others may not be aware at all, but a lot of stuff, and I am talking really really big stuff, has been happening behind the scenes in my life for a few years now. I know that this may take a  little bit for each of you to process and believe, trust me I know; I am trying to wrap my head around this every day. God is beyond amazing and has been performing one huge miracle after another. About ten years ago when I still lived in Ohio, I told my husband someday I am going to write a book and it is going to be huge. Well that is exactly what happened.

Let me start from the beginning of this journey and share each and every milestone down this path. Memorial Day weekend 2016: wow, what a day I will always remember! After working for years and years on writing this book about my life story, I wrote the last words. I finished it! I cannot tell you how awesome I felt inside. I wanted to shout it out to the world (and Facebook) right then, but I held back from saying anything. I started researching and praying for God's direction on where to lead me next. I definitely stepped into my path of God's destiny for my life and the plan He had for me. I had never went to college to learn how to write a book. When writing this it was the strangest thing. I almost felt the Lord guiding my thoughts, words and hand as I wrote each and every word. This was milestone and miracle number one.

I had no idea how to find a literary agent or publishing company. I didn't know if I should self publish or not. I didn't know how to do any of it. I prayed for direction and the Lord performed this huge miracle that he was taking care of behind the scenes, that I was not aware of. He sent the right information and people into my life right before my eyes, opening doors that I could have never done without Him. It was brought to my attention to send my manuscript into a publishing company in Meadeville, PA, Christian Faith Publishing Company. I once again could not believe this was happening and was beyond excited. This was milestone and miracle number two. 

During my research I discovered my book was too long. The Lord immediately guided me into making one manuscript into two. I knew exactly where to stop the first book and where to start the second one. I even had the titles for both books and knew how I wanted the covers to look. Not only was God blessing me with one book, He was doubling the blessings with two books. Both books were completely written. This was milestone and miracle number three. 

My daughter, during this time helped me type the books. My other daughter helped me take my idea for the cover and display it for the publishing company. My husband helped me with all the technical support, like emailing everything to them. I was told that the manuscript would need to go in front of a board of review and they are very selective, but would get back to me if they were accepted. At this point, I was told a literary agent would be letting me know. Well, the literary agent contacted me by phone! I will never, ever, EVER, forget that day! They told me that both of my manuscripts were accepted and that they were really good and I should be very proud. I started screaming and crying for joy! This was milestone and miracle number four, and this was huge. 

Now, hold onto your hats everyone! This is where it gets beyond mind blowing! 

My books were sent to over 3,000 press releases and were accepted in 22 states and around the world. It was accepted on the websites of channels ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX. I was interviewed on a major syndicated radio station (Iheart Radio) that went across the U.S. on August 23, 2019. Through Christian Faith Publishing Company, I have my own web page and a book trailer, which is like a movie trailer (see the links under Publishing Information). The books are available by paperback and digital copies. The e-book can be used on Apple devices, Amazon Kindle, and Barnes and Noble Nook. They are available online through Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Target, Walmart, iTunes, INGRAM, and Spring Arbor. They are available for book stores, libraries, universities and throughout the world. Each book store manager decides if the books will be sold in that store. This is beyond huge! So, here we are, milestone and miracle number five.

Once again, I was not sure how this was going to work. One day I went into the local Barnes and Noble store, by our home to purchase a book. I was not even thinking about my books. I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I asked for help. The employee looked it up on the computer and thought they had some in the back, so he went and looked. He came back and said they were holding it for someone else and asked if I wanted to order one. I said yes, and he asked if it was a local author and I said yes. This lead me to mentioning my books and he became extremely excited, giving me information on how to have the books sold from that store. I had no idea, but I was talking with the store manager! He said they support local authors and he wanted to put it on his store web page and have me do a book signing there. He said they would print off big posters and would sell my books from the store. My books on the shelf of a Barnes and Noble store in Chicago, IL?! Here we go again! A huge milestone and miracle, all by God. Walking out of the store, I was exploding with excitement and wanted to scream it out to the world! This was milestone and miracle number six. 

I am telling you my head was trying to wrap its head around all of this. It was so so surreal. The reason I waited to say anything was because I wanted people to be able to purchase the books right away and not have to wait. It was so hard to keep all of this excitement and God's miracles under wraps all this time. There was a lot of hard work and time to get to this point. I did five rounds of edits myself on the first book, which means reading the whole book word for word, five times! There were then seven rounds of edits with the publishing company and then the books went to page design. Just before Christmas of 2017, I received the finished work by the page designers and it was now formed into a book and not just words on paper. Watching all of this happen before my eyes, the book came to life. It went through cover design for five weeks, then it was ready for print and after print it went to marketing. This was milestone and miracle number seven, meaning completion!

We then started the process all over again for the sequel; One Thing After Another and Another

Throughout all of this, I was being lead to a Christian Women's Connection, that met monthly at a country club, to listen to guest speakers. About 100 women attend each month. I was asked to be a speaker. They also sent me to a workshop to train on how to do guest speaking. I was also lead to see famous inspirational speakers who spoke on a large scale, to over 25,000 women. I also observed as they did book signings. The Lord was saying to me, this is what it looks like on a smaller scale, and this is what it looks like on a larger scale. He was trying to prepare me for my future. This was the next milestone and miracle number eight. 

This took me out of my comfort zone. I felt safe hiding in my bedroom and home, away from the rest of the world for a very long time. This took my life onto a path I would have never dreamed of. I put my trust in God, to direct me to where he wanted me to go. I had been taking care of my brother for over 20 years. We had to have him go into a nursing home back in Ohio. It got to a point where he needed 24 hour care, and I could no longer provide for him. It was so hard at the time, but the Lord had him placed at the same nursing home as my other brother. They now have the same room together and are both very happy. God, even back then, was preparing me for all of this to happen. If I still had my brother living with me, I would not be able to travel. Now I had freedom to do that. Another one of God's miracles, milestone and miracle number nine. 

I plan to do book signings and events wherever the Lord directs me to go. I have also been asked by various places to come guest speak and share my experiences. 

I was also invited to be a guest speaker on a one hour radio talk show. The show was live and was aired world wide. The radio host is very well known and was a great pleasure to work with. 

So what are my books about? My life story. 

The titles are; One Thing After Another, and the sequel, One Thing After Another and Another. I am also in the middle of writing my third book of the series, Restored: One Blessing After Another and Another. 

My pen name is Rose Marie Arthur. Rose was my mom's middle name, Marie was my grandmother's name and Arthur was my grandfather's name. When I sign Rose, in place of the O, will be a little pink rosebud as my trademark. No names of people or places have been mentioned in the books, in order to protect everyone. I want everyone to know that what is written, is my story, feelings and what has happened in my life; the good and the bad.  It is only explaining what I have gone through in my life. This is not intended to put anyone down. God loves all people, including my enemies, and I forgive all people who have trespassed against me. I am also very sorry if I have ever hurt anyone throughout my lifetime. I hope everyone peace, love and joy. It was written to help others who are suffering in any way, shape, or form. I pray that God will richly bless all of you. God's peace and love. 

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Press Release


Rose Marie Arthur’s newly released “One Thing After Another” is a thoughtful memoir of God’s faithfulness through a lifetime of hardship. 

Summary of the release

“One Thing After Another” from Christian Faith Publishing author Rose Marie Arthur is a keenly observed personal account of the author’s topsy-turvy life, detailing an overwhelming sequence of struggles and challenges that began early in life and ultimately gave way to divine intervention. 

Full release text

“One Thing After Another”: a remarkable testimony of overcoming the world, is the creation of published author Rose Marie Arthur, a Christian mother of four. With a heart inspired by Christ to uplift the broken, she has served on the Developmental Disabilities board for years and now resides with her husband and family in the Chicagoland area. Arthur writes, “This book is my true story about dealing with many life-changing events at the same time. It is about feeling like you cannot catch a break no matter how hard you try. The book reflects the process of experiencing one thing after another and trying to just keep going and finding out that the Lord is catching it all for you. It is packed with much emotional and physical pain from experiencing grief and loss, a bad marriage,taking on new responsibilities, and illnesses. It shows the struggles of trying to find away through it all, and how God showed Himself in so many remarkable and wonderful ways. God is so very real.”Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Rose Marie Arthur’s new book is a striking personal testimony to the power of God’s ever-present love even in a world darkened beyond comprehension. Arthur chooses not to downplay the trauma of her life, but instead generously shares the harrowing details of her past to demonstrate just how much God has helped her overcome, counting herself among the blessed and the redeemed. View a synopsis of “One Thing After Another” on YouTube. Consumers can purchase “One Thing After Another” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble. For additional information or inquiries about “One Thing After Another”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

This press release was accepted by 22 different states and around the world. It was accepted on the websites of channels ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX.

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For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.

Isaiah 41:13

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